Member Directory
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Carly is a Montreal-based prose writer, translator, and English teacher. In 2018, her short fiction was longlisted for Writer's Trust Journey Prize and won first place in the Humber Literary Review's Emerging Fiction Writers contest. Her writing has appeared…
Doreen Vanderstoop (she/her) is a Calgary-based writer, storyteller and musician. Her debut novel Watershed was published by Freehand Books in May 2020 and won the Book Publishers Association of Alberta Trade Fiction Book of the Year Award in 2021. Her short fiction has also…
Anuja Varghese is a Pushcart-nominated writer whose work appears in Hobart, The Malahat Review, The Fiddlehead, Plenitude Magazine, Southern Humanities Review, So to Speak Journal, Flock Literary Journal, and Corvid Queen: A Journal of Feminist Fairy Tales, among others. Her…
Richmond Hill
John Emil Vincent lives in downtown Montreal with his husband, Luis Loya Garcìa. They emigrated from the United States in 2011 due to anti-immigrant and anti-gay sentiment in the US. They parent two very important birds. Vincent has taught at Queen’s and Concordia in Canada, and…
Marie-Anne Visoi is the author of non-fiction books and articles on comparative literature, French Cultural Studies and French as a Second Language teaching and learning. Her published works include: "Blended and Online Teaching in the Humanities", Cambridge Scholars…
JESSICA VITALIS is a Columbia MBA-wielding author on a mission to write entertaining and thought-provoking literature. She founded Magic in the Middle, a series of free monthly recorded book talks, to help educators introduce young readers to new fantasy books. Her work has…
Since his 1987 graduation from New York University's School of Journalism (Magna Cum Laude), Michael Vlessides has made a career of creating tight, refreshing, and readable copy for a wide range of audiences and businesses. From best-sellers to annual reports, anesthesiology to…
Dr. Renée von Paschen, (M.A.): Born in Canada, at home in North America and Europe, Renée is a writer, poet, literary translator, editor and screenwriter. PhD in Theater, Film & Media, Univ. of Vienna; M.A. in Gender Studies. Literary Translator's Fellowship at International…
Calgary, AB, Canada
Calgary, AB, Canada
Barbara Baker grew up in Banff, Alberta and spends her free time racing up and down the Rockies to keep up with an active family of outdoor enthusiasts. The highlights of her writing experience include: Carousel Pictures made a film of her Globe and Mail essay, Life Support…
Playwright, educator, feminist, activist, environmentalist, gardener and avid walker, Colleen Wagner’s writing interests embrace screenwriting, poetry and short fiction. Recipient of numerous awards including a Governor General’s Literary Award her work has been translated into…